Monday, July 30, 2012

Self Love

Hi everyone!
Sorry it has taken me so long to get the first blog post up here, but it’s been a crazy busy time for me.
I thought that for the first blog post, I would write about a very important topic, self love. This is something that I personally have had a hard time with. In fact, I still do a lot of times. I think we all do. Even the people who always seem conceited often can have a hard time with self love.
Why do we have such a hard time with it? I personally believe that it is because we always tend to blame ourselves for things that happen in our lives. We tend to dwell on the negative, and blame ourselves for the negatives happening. We tend to focus on our failures rather than our successes. We tend to look at how far we have left to go instead of how far we have come.
We also often tend to look to someone else for that love that we are missing. We expect friends, family members, and/or significant others to give us that love that we are missing. It’s not the same though, it can’t be. Self love has to come from within, from yourself. We have to look and find the things that we appreciate about ourselves. We have to accept ourselves. We have to learn to not be so hard on ourselves. We have to realize that we are worthy of our own love. It is not easy, but it can be done.
Here are some tips:
1. Forgive yourself for your mistakes. No one is perfect.
2. Realize that everything isn’t your fault. Sometimes things just happen.
3. Focus on how far you have come, not far you have left to go.
4. Every day, find at least 3 different things (physically and mentally) that you love about yourself. Say them out loud.
5. Keep telling yourself that you deserve to love yourself. You may not believe it at first, but it will begin to feel truer to you.
6. Accept yourself for who you are. If there is something you want to change about yourself, work on it. But only for YOU, not for anyone else.
7. Never compare yourself to other people.
8. Find something you enjoy and can be proud of.
9. Take time for yourself everyday. Pamper yourself.
10. Treat yourself as you would treat a friend, family member, and/or significant other. Be as good to yourself as you would be to them.
I will not tell you that this is easy. It’s something I struggle with daily. Let’s try these tips together, ok? Please leave a comment with more ideas if you have any!
Lastly, I want to thank a special person who has helped me realize how important it is to love myself. Without his help and guidance, I’m not sure I would of even started trying. I owe more to him than he even realizes.
Much Love,

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